Adding Leads Counter
Hello, I am trying to add leads counter to the leads datagrid, I tried udating the table-head.vue with it but it will not show. so which page do I need to add the code to to make it show?
Can you explain your concern in more details as we are unable to understand your query.It would be much better if you will explain the query in short description.
Thank You. -
Each page dataGrid is being managed by Vue components. If you want to add counter to the page then please check the following components and modify as per your need.
In case you find any issue do let us know.
Thank you
whatever I modify on these codes it doesn't do any changes, even if I try to modify the existing code without adding anything new.
Can you please let us know what changes you have made and which are no reflecting.
If you have made any changes, try to run php artisan optimize:clear and then check the same.