Hello @United_MFO
Kindly let us know the error log from backend after this it will help us to identify the issue.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @United_MFO
Kindly let us know the error log from backend after this it will help us to identify the issue.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @Alexandre-Amaral
For this kindly make setup of your email SMTP in your .env file.
Find the blog below for your reference.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @cygnet
This Email SMTP is a must set up on the receiver's end as well. By this the user able to send email.
Kindly check the below link for the reference.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @sithumini
Kindly add your SMTP credentials in your .env file kindly check the blog below for your reference.
Blog: https://krayincrm.com/smtp-in-krayin/
Thanks & Regards
Hello @Evin
Kindly add your SMTP credentials in your .env file check the blog below for your reference.
Blog: https://krayincrm.com/smtp-in-krayin/
Thanks & Regards
Hello @Alexandre-Amaral
This is the part of customization file path is
packages >> Webkul >> Admin >> src >> Resources >> views >> leads >> index.blade.php
GitHub Link: https://github.com/krayin/laravel-crm/blob/2.0/packages/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/views/leads/index.blade.php
Thanks & Regards
Hello @United_MFO
Kindly go through the link below this will help you to resolve your query.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @mkas
By default only Google option is available, Microsoft 365 mail is not available directly you need to make the additional integration and connect it with the API
Thanks & Regards
Hello @dhiego_lemes
Could you please provide us with more details? After reviewing your query, we are unable to clearly identify the main issue.
A bit more clarification will help us assist you more effectively.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @United_MFO
Check logs for errors with heroku logs --tail.
Verify database credentials in your .env file and Heroku config vars.
Run migrations and seeders manually: heroku run php artisan migrate --force and heroku run php artisan db:seed --force.
Clear caches with php artisan config:cache, php artisan route:cache, etc.
Check the Procfile to ensure proper web server setup.
Rebuild the app using heroku restart.
By following these steps, you should be able to identify where the issue is and proceed with completing the installation. Let me know how it goes!