Hello @iwasexcited
Kindly go through the link regarding krayin installation.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @iwasexcited
Kindly go through the link regarding krayin installation.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @surya
It sounds like there might be an issue with authentication or session handling. Have you checked if the user data is being saved correctly in the database and if the credentials are accurate?
Additionally, ensure that the authentication configuration and middleware are set up correctly in your Laravel and Krayin setup.
Also if you can provide us with your error inside the console that will help you to assist you.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @NP
To create controllers and view in krayin you can go through the below links.
For Controllers - https://devdocs.krayincrm.com/1.x/packages/controllers.html
For Views -
For creating a New Database Table
Thanks & Regards
Hello @adilsonalves
Yes, you can go through the below link for the Installation & Requirements.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @nplacide
If you need to create more labels you need to create attributes for this for the persons.
Follow the link to create attributes.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @Kunal
Kindly go through the below link of requirements and Installation process from the official devdocs.
I hope this will help you to resolve your query.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @selenga
It seems like you’re encountering an issue with a missing NumberFormatter class in a Laravel Blade template file within the Krayin CRM package.
This error suggests that the class NumberFormatter might not be correctly imported or defined in the context of your view file.
Thanks & Regards
Hello @ahasminyodha
Can you please let us know which texts in the menu you want to change so that we can assist you accordingly?
Also in the packages >> Webkul >> Admin >> src >> Config >> menu.php this file is responsible for the menus.
And for the text you can manage the texts from the packages >> Webkul >> Admin >> src >> Resources >> lang >> en >> app.php
Thanks & Regards
Hello @lucassquadros
I think there is might be requirements and server configuration issue that's why the issue is coming in the installation.
You can follow the below links.
Thanks & Regards